Saturday, December 10, 2016


Opening Song

Bernice Gets Carried Away by Hannah E. Harrison (JE HAR)
Move Your Mood! by Brenda S. Miles and Colleen A. Patterson (PROF JE MIL)
Horrible Bear! by Ame Dyckman (JE DYC)
It Came In The Mail by Ben Clanton (JE CLA) Christoper Silas Neal (JE NEA)
Grumpy Pants by Claire Messer (JE MES)

Preschool Gym #3 Arms Up (PROF CD J613.71 PRE)
Musical Scarves & Activities #2 Happy Talk by Georgiana Stewart (PROF CD J796.13 STE)

Bumble Bee

Fruits & Veggies

Opening Song
If You Want To Hear a Story Clap Your Hands

The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey and Don Wood (PROF JE WOO)
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin (JE MAR)
Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli (JE PIZ)

Ladybug Music (Green Collection) #2 Apples and Bananas (PROF CD J782.42 LAD)
Victor Vito #15 Fruit Salad Salsa by Laurie Berkner (PROF CD J782.42) w/Maraca Shakers

Action Rhyme
Bananas Unite! Bananas Split!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Bananas to the left
Bananas to the right
Peel your banana and Yum! Take a bite!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Bananas Unite! Bananas Split!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Bananas to the left
Bananas to the right
Peel your banana and Yum! Take a bite!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!

Flannel board
Giant Carrot

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree