Thursday, July 23, 2015


Opening Song

Little Monkey Says Good Night by Ann Whitford Paul (JE PAU)
The Acrobat by Alborozo (JE ALB)
Circus Girl: A Story of Make-Believe by Clare Pernice (JE PER)
Song of the Circus by Lois Duncan (JE DUN)
Circus Parade by Harriet Ziefert (PROF JE ZIE)
Extraordinary Jane by Hannah E. Harrison (JE HAR)
Circus by Lois Ehlert (PROF JE EHL)

Songs w/Props
Musical Scarves & Activities #12 Be a Clown by Georgiana Stewart (PROF CD J796.13 MUS) w/Scarves
The Second Line: Scarf Activity Songs #13 Circus Parade by Johnette Downing (PROF CD J782.42 DOW) w/scarves
Rockin' Red #13 Hip Hop Body Rock by Eric Litwin (PROF CD J782.42 LIT) w/shakers

Clown in the Box!


Opening Song
The More We Get Together

Tweak, Tweak by Eve Bunting (JE BUN)
Elephant Small and the Splashy Bath by Sally Grindley (JE GRI)

Book Prop
Elmer by David Mckee

Flannel Board
7 Blind Mice by Ed Young

Letter Awareness
Today's letter is "E"

Singable Songs for the Very Young by Raffi (PROF CD J782.42 RAF)

Patchwork Elephant

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Opening Song
The More We Get Together

Ebb & Flo and the Baby Seal by Jane Simmoms (JE SIM)
Out of the Ocean by Debra Frasier (JE FRA)
Clumsy Crab by Ruth Galloway (PROF JE GAL)
Fidgety Fish by Ruth Galloway (PROF JE GAL)
Sand Castle by Brenda Shannon Yee (PROF JE YEE)
A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea by Jessica Law (PROF JE LAW)

Flannel Board
Swimmy by Leo Lionni
The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile

Big Book
Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister (PROF JE PFI)

Letter Awareness
Today's letter is "F"

In a Heartbeat #1 I'm a Little Fish by Laura Doherty (CD J782.42 DOH)
Sea Tunes For Kids # 6 Out on the Coral Reef by Brent Holmes (PROF CD 782.42 HOL)

Fish on Stick Puppet

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Opening Song
If You Want to Hear a Story

When Louis Armstrong Taught Me Scat by Muriel Harris Weinstein (JE WEI)
Saxophone Sam and His Snazzy Jazz Band by Christine M. Schneider (JE SCH)
Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler (JE WHE)
Squeak, Rumble, Whomp, Whomp, Whomp!: A Sonic Adventure by Wynton Marsalis (JE MAR)
Hey Diddle Diddle by Eve Bunting (PROF JE BUN)
Jazzmatazz! by Stephanie Calmenson (JE CAL)

Jazz a film by Ken Burns #3 Sing, Sing, Sing (with a swing) (CD 781.65 JAZ)
In a Heartbeat #3 Jazzasaurus by Laura Doherty (CD J782.42 DOH)

Yakety Sax on Saxophone

Music Sheet w/Foam stickers