Thursday, November 20, 2014

Animals with Shells

Opening Song
The More We Get Together

Clumsy Crab by Ruth Galloway (PROF JE GAL)
Turtle Island by Kevin Sherry (JE SHE)
Is this a house for Hermit Crab? by Megan McDonald (JE MCD)
Turtle Splash! Countdown at The Pond by Cathryn Falwell (PROF JE FAL)

Book Selection

Clumsy Crab

Turtle Island

Singable Songs for the Very Young #1 The More We Get Together (PROF CD J782.42 RAF)
Ladybug Music #6 This a Way, That a Way (PROF CD J782.42 LAD)
So Big #14 Put Your Hands In the Air (PROF CD J782.42 PAL)
Sticky Bubble Gum and Other Tasty Tunes: Sing Along, Dance Along, Do Along #3 Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands (CD J782.42  PET)

Concentric Circle Paper Snails

Finished Snail
Snail Vs Snail

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Opening Song
If You Want to Hear a Story Clap Your Hands

Dumpy La Rue by Elizabeth Winthrop (JE WIN)
The Hippo Hop by Christine Loomis (JE LOO)
Twist with a Burger, Jitter with a Bug by Linda Lowery (JE LOW)
Dancing Feet by Lindsey Craig (PROF JE CRA)
Cha Cha Chimps by Julia Durango (JE DUR)
Hop Jump by Ellen Stoll Walsh (PROF JE WAL)

Dancing Feet
Dancing Feet
Dancing Feet

All-Time Favorite Dances #12 Bunny Hop (PROF CD J792.8 ALL)
All-Time Favorite Dances #1 The Twist (PROF CD J792.8 ALL)
All-Time Favorite Dances #8 The Hokey Pokey (PROF CD J792.8 ALL)

Pipe Cleaner Jingle Bracelet

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Creepy-Crawlies and Fluttery Creatures

Opening Song

The Very Lazy Ladybug by Isobel Finn (PROF JE FIN)
Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth (PROF JE GER)
The Best Bug Parade by Stuart Murphy (JE MUR)
Bugs for Lunch by Margery Facklam (JE FAC)
Horsefly and Honey Bee by Randy Cecil (JE CEC)

Disney Silly Songs #18 Baby Bumblebee  (PROF CD J782.42 DIS)
Itsy-Bitsy Spider

Flannel Board
Lady Bug

3-Dimensional Lady Bug

Lady Bug- top down view
Lady Bug-up close view