Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman (JE FRE) - 1/16/14
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? by Jane Yolen (JE YOL) - 1/16/14
Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur by Judy Sierra (JE SIE) - 1/16/14
Monster Manners by Bethany Roberts (JE ROB) - 1/16/14
Rude Mule by Pamela Duncan Edwards (JE EDW) - 1/16/14
Being Frank by Donna Earnhardt (JE EAR) - 1/23/14
Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London (PROF JE LON) - 1/23/14
The Frog and Toad All Sang by Arnold Lobel (JE LOB) - 1/23-14
I'm in Love with a Big Blue Frog by Leslie Braunstein (JE BRA) - 1/23/14
A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson (JE WIL) - 1/23-14
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting (PROF JE BUN) - 1/23/14
Outfoxed by Mike Twohy (JE TWO) - 1/23/14
Two Greedy Bears (PROF JE GIN) - 10/09/2014
Two Little Monkeys (PROF JE FOX) - 10/09/2014
Three Ducks Went Wandering (PROF JE ROY) - 10/09/2014
I Know It's Autumn (JE SPI) - 10/16/2014
Apples and Pumpkins (JE ROC) - 10/16/2014
Patty's Pumpkin Patch (JE SLO) - 10/16/2014
It's Fall (JE GLA) - 10/16/2014
Fall Leaves Fall (JE HAL) - 10/16/2014
Leaf Man (JE EHL) - 10/16/2014
Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin (PRO JE SER) - 10/16/2014
This Orq: (he cave boy) (JE ELL) - 10/23/2014
Me Want Pet! (JE SAU) - 10/23/2014
Mammoth and Me (JE HAL) - 10/23/2014
I Took My Frog To The Library (PROF JE KIM) - 10/23/2014
Dinosaur Pet (JE SED) - 10/23/2014
Big Pumpkin (Sherry's personal copy/author is Erica Silverman) - 10/30/2014
Brooms Are For Flying (FE REX) - 10/30/2014
Pumpkin Heads (JE MIN) - 10/30/2014
The Very Lazy Lady Bug (PROF JE FIN) - 11/06/2014
Ten Little Lady Bugs (PROF JE GER) - 11/06/2014
The Best Bug Parade (JE MUR) - 11/06/2014
Bugs for Lunch (JE FAC) - 11/06/2014
Horsefly and Honey Bee (JE CEC) - 11/06/2014
Dumpy La Rue (JE WIN) - 11/13/2014
The Hippo Hop (JE LOO) - 11/13/2014
Twist with a Burger, Jitter with a Bug (JE LOW) - 11/13/2014
Dancing Feet (JE CRA) - 11/13/2014
Cha Cha Chimps (JE DUR) - 11/13/2014
Hop Jump (PROF JE WAL) - 11/13/2014
Clumsy Crab (PROF JE GAL) - 11/20/2014
Turtle Island (JE SHE) - 11/20/2014
Is This a house for Hermit Crab? (JE MCD) - 11/20/2014
Turtle Splash! Countdown at the Pond (PROF JE FAL) - 11/20/2014
The Friendship Wish (JE KLE) - 12/04/2014
Friends (JE HEI) - 12/04/2014
Friends (JE LEW) - 12/04/2014
Sammy's Special Day (Irene's personal copy) - 12/04/2014
Bears on Chairs (Irene's personal copy) - 12/04/2014
City Dog, Country Frog (JE WIL) - 12/04/2014
Everybody has a Teddy (JE KRO) - 12/04/2014
Friends Go a Adventuring (JE HEI) - 12/04/2014
Together (JE SIM) - 12/04/2014
I Stink! (JE MCM) - 12/07/2014
Trashy Town (JE ZIM) - 12/07/2014
Oscar's Rotten Birthday (ER ELL) - 12/07/2014
Bear Snores On (JE WIL) - 12/18/2014
I Love the Rain (PROF JE BRI) - 12/18/2014
If It's Snowy and You Know It Clap Your Paws! (JE NOR) - 12/18/2014
Snowballs (JE EHL) - 12/18/2014
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