Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Letter 'F'

Opening Rhyme
If You Want to Hear a Story, Clap Your Hands

Being Frank by Donna Earnhardt (JE EAR)
Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London (PROF JE LON)
The Frog and Toad All Sang by Arnold Lobel (JE LOB)
I'm in Love with a Big Blue Frog by Leslie Braunstein (JE BRA)
A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson (JE WIL)
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting (PROF JE BUN)
Outfoxed by Mike Twohy (JE TWO)

The Letter 'F' sounds

Five Little Speckled Frogs

'F' coloring and tracing sheet

Thursday, January 16, 2014

List of Books Read in 2014

Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman (JE FRE) - 1/16/14
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? by Jane Yolen (JE YOL) - 1/16/14
Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur by Judy Sierra (JE SIE) - 1/16/14
Monster Manners by Bethany Roberts (JE ROB) - 1/16/14
Rude Mule by Pamela Duncan Edwards (JE EDW) - 1/16/14
Being Frank by Donna Earnhardt (JE EAR) - 1/23/14
Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London (PROF JE LON) - 1/23/14
The Frog and Toad All Sang by Arnold Lobel (JE LOB) - 1/23-14
I'm in Love with a Big Blue Frog by Leslie Braunstein (JE BRA) - 1/23/14
A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson (JE WIL) - 1/23-14
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting (PROF JE BUN) - 1/23/14
Outfoxed by Mike Twohy (JE TWO) - 1/23/14
Two Greedy Bears (PROF JE GIN) - 10/09/2014
Two Little Monkeys (PROF JE FOX) - 10/09/2014
Three Ducks Went Wandering (PROF JE ROY) - 10/09/2014
I Know It's Autumn (JE SPI) - 10/16/2014
Apples and Pumpkins (JE ROC) - 10/16/2014
Patty's Pumpkin Patch (JE SLO) - 10/16/2014
It's Fall (JE GLA) - 10/16/2014
Fall Leaves Fall (JE HAL) - 10/16/2014
Leaf Man (JE EHL) - 10/16/2014
Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin (PRO JE SER) - 10/16/2014
This Orq: (he cave boy) (JE ELL) - 10/23/2014
Me Want Pet! (JE SAU) - 10/23/2014
Mammoth and Me (JE HAL) - 10/23/2014
I Took My Frog To The Library (PROF JE KIM) - 10/23/2014
Dinosaur Pet (JE SED) - 10/23/2014
Big Pumpkin (Sherry's personal copy/author is Erica Silverman) - 10/30/2014
Brooms Are For Flying (FE REX) - 10/30/2014
Pumpkin Heads (JE MIN) - 10/30/2014
The Very Lazy Lady Bug (PROF JE FIN) - 11/06/2014
Ten Little Lady Bugs (PROF JE GER) - 11/06/2014
The Best Bug Parade (JE MUR) - 11/06/2014
Bugs for Lunch (JE FAC) - 11/06/2014
Horsefly and Honey Bee (JE CEC) - 11/06/2014
Dumpy La Rue (JE WIN) - 11/13/2014
The Hippo Hop (JE LOO) - 11/13/2014
Twist with a Burger, Jitter with a Bug (JE LOW) - 11/13/2014
Dancing Feet (JE CRA) - 11/13/2014
Cha Cha Chimps (JE DUR) - 11/13/2014
Hop Jump (PROF JE WAL) - 11/13/2014
Clumsy Crab (PROF JE GAL) - 11/20/2014
Turtle Island (JE SHE) - 11/20/2014
Is This a house for Hermit Crab? (JE MCD) - 11/20/2014
Turtle Splash! Countdown at the Pond (PROF JE FAL) - 11/20/2014
The Friendship Wish (JE KLE) 12/04/2014
Friends (JE HEI) 12/04/2014
Friends (JE LEW) 12/04/2014
Sammy's Special Day (Irene's personal copy) 12/04/2014
Bears on Chairs (Irene's personal copy) 12/04/2014
City Dog, Country Frog (JE WIL) 12/04/2014
Everybody has a Teddy (JE KRO) 12/04/2014
Friends Go a Adventuring (JE HEI) 12/04/2014
Together (JE SIM) 12/04/2014
I Stink! (JE MCM) - 12/07/2014
Trashy Town (JE ZIM) - 12/07/2014
Oscar's Rotten Birthday (ER ELL) - 12/07/2014
Bear Snores On (JE WIL) - 12/18/2014
I Love the Rain (PROF JE BRI) - 12/18/2014
If It's Snowy and You Know It Clap Your Paws! (JE NOR) - 12/18/2014
Snowballs (JE EHL) - 12/18/2014


Opening Rhyme
The More We Get Together

Olive and the Big Secret by Tor Freeman (JE FRE)
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? by Jane Yolen (JE YOL)
Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur by Judy Sierra (JE SIE)
Monster Manners by Bethany Roberts (JE ROB)
Rude Mule by Pamela Duncan Edwards (JE EDW)

'Share' (REF CD J782.42 PAL)

Make your own monster body