Thursday, December 5, 2013

List of Books Read in 2013

Big Books
I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson
In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri (PROF JE TAF) - 2/14/13
Arthur’s Tractor by Pippa Goodhart (JE GOO) - 11/14/13
At the Boardwalk by Kelly Fineman (JE FIN) - 7/18/13
Awesome Autumn by Bruce Goldstone (JE GOL) - 10/3/13
Bear's New Friend by Karma Wilson (JE WIL) - 2/28/13
Beach Day by Karen Roose (PROF JE ROO) - 7/18/13
The Beaver State Oregon by Helen Friesen (J979.5 FRI) - 4/4/13
Bed Hogs by Kelly DiPucchio (PROF JE DIP) - 10/10/13
Best, Best Friends by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (JE CHO) - 2/28/13
Best Pet of All by David LaRochelle (JE LAR) - 11/14/13
Blackberry Banquet by Terry Pierce (JE PIE) - 7/11/13
Can You Make a Piggy Giggle by Linda Ashman (PROF JE ASH) - 10/10/13
Cat Up a Tree by John and Ann Hassett - 3/21/13
Cha Cha Chimps by Julia Durango (JE DUR) - 8/15/13
Cheetah by Suzi Eszterhaus - 3/21/13
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin (JE MAR) - 7/11/13
Choo Choo Clickety- Clackety by Margaret Mayo (PROF JE MAY) -1/24/13
City Dog, Country Frog by Mo Williems (JE WIL) - 6/6/13
Clip Clop by Nicola Smee (PROF JE SME) - 8/8/13
Clumsy Crab by Ruth Galloway (PROF JE GAL) - 6/13/13
Come with Me by Ashley Wolff (PROF JE WOL) - 6/27/13 and 7/18/13
The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson (JE WIL) - 8/1/13 and 12/5/13
Dark, Dark Night by Christina Butler (JE BUT) - 10/31/13
Does a Cow Say Boo? by Judy Hindley (PROF JE HIN) - 3/14/13 and 8/8/13
A Dog Needs a Bone by Audrey Wood (JE WOO) - 10/24/13
Dog's Noisy Day by Emma Dodd (JE DOD) – 1/24/13
Dolphin Baby by Nicola Davies (JE DAV) - 4/11/13
Don't Laugh, Joe! Keiko Kasza (JE KAS) - 7/25/13
Dooby Dooby Moo by Doreen Cronin (PROF JE CRO) - 9/12/13
Down by the Pond by Margrit Cruickshank (JE CRU) - 6/6/13
Down on the Farm by Merrily Kutner (PROF JE KUT) - 8/8/13
Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin (JE RUB) - 11/14/13
Duck Dunks by Lynne Berry (JE BER) - 6/13/13
Dumpy La Rue by Elizabeth Winthrop (JE WIN) - 8/15/13
Elephants Can Paint Too! by Katya Arnold (J599.67 ARN) - 11/7/13
Every Autumn Comes the Bear by Jim Arnosky (PROF JE ARN) - 10/3/13
Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep by Teri Sloat (PROF JE SLO) - 8/8/13
Farmer Joe and the Music Show by Tony Mitton (PROF JE MIT) - 8/8/13
Feathers for Lunch by Lois Ehlert (PROF JE EHL) - 6/20/13
Figdety Fish by Ruth Galloway (PROF JE GAL) - 4/11/13 and 6/13/13
Flip, Flap, Fly by Phyllis Root (PROF JE ROO) - 6/20/13
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting (PROF JE BUN) - 5/16/13
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle (PROF JE CAR) – 1/17/13
Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams (PROF JE ADA) - 2/14/13
The Gingerbread Cowboy by Janet Squires (JE SQU) - 8/1/13
The Gingerbread Man by Eric Kimmel (J398.2 KIM) - 12/5/13
Good-Night, owl by Pat Hutchins (PROF JE HUT) - 6/20/13
The Great Dog Wash by Shellie Braeuner (JE BRA) - 10/24/13
Green Eyes by A. Birnbaum (PROF JE BIR) - 3/21/13
Grumpy Goat by Brett Helquist (JE HEL) - 8/1/13
A Hat for Minerva Louise by Janet Morgan Stoeke (PROF JE STO) - 3/28/13
Hattie and the Fox by Mem Fox (JE FOX) - 2/7/13
The Hiccupotamus by Aaron Zenz (JE ZEN) - 5/9/13
Hey Diddle Diddle by Eve Bunting (JE BUN) - 9/19/13
Hide and Seek by Il Sing Na (JE NA) - 11/7/13
The Hippo Hop by Christine Loomis (JE LOO) - 5/9/13 and 8/15/13
Hop Jump by Ellen Walsh (JE WAL) - 8/15/13
Horsefly and Honeybee by Randy Cecil (JE CEC) - 8/1/13
Hot Hippo by Mwenye Hadithi (JE HAD) - 5/9/13
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food by Jane Yolen (JE YOL) - 5/23/13
Hush, Little Dragon by Boni Ashburn (JE ASH) - 11/14/13
I Can Be Anything by Jerry Spinelli (JE SPI)– 1/17/13
I Can't Get My Turtles to Move by Elizabetj O'Donnell (PROF JE ODO) - 3/7/13
I Know a Rhino by Charles Fuge (PROF JE FUG) - 5/9/13
I Took My Frog to the Library by Eric Kimmel (PROF JE KIM) - 3/14/13
I Want to Be a Cowgirl by Jeanne Willis (JE WIL) - 1/31/13
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake by Laura Numeroff (JE NUM) - 3/21/13
If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff (JE NUM) - 10/24/13
If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff (PROF JE NUM) - 10/10/13
If You Spent a Day with Thoreau at Walden Pond by Robert Burleigh (J921 THOREAU) - 4/18/13
I'm a Turkey by Jim Arnosky (JE ARN) - 11/21/13
I’m Me by Sara Sheridan (JE SHE) -1/17/13
In the Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming (JE FLE) - 6/6/13
Is Your Mama a Llama by Deborah Guarino (PROF JE GUA) - 4/4/13
It's the Bear by Jez Alborough (PROF JE ALB) - Riddle - 9/5/13Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler (JE WHE) - 9/19/13
Jazzmatazz by Stephanie Calmenson (JE CAL) - 9/19/13
Just a Little Bit by Ann Tompert (PROF JE TOM) - 11/7/13
King Jack and Dragon by Peter Bentley (JE BEN) - 11/14/13
Kitten's First Full Moon be Kevin Henkes (JE HEN) - 9/26/13
Know What I Saw by Aileen Fisher (PROF JE FIS) - 6/27/13
Leaves by David Stein (JE STE) - 10/3/13
Little Green by Keith Baker (PROF JE BAK) - 6/20/13 and 8/22/13
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Audrey and Don Wood (PROF JE WOO) - 7/11/13 and 9/5/13
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan (JE SRI) - 10/31/13
Long Night Moon by Cynthia Rylant (JE RYL) - 9/26/13
The Lost and Found Pony by Tracy Dockray (JE DOC) - 8/1/13
Lucky Ducklings by Eva Moore (PROF JE MOO) - 8/22/13
The Magic Hat by Mem Fox (PROF JE FOX) - 3/28/13
McGillycuddy Could! by Pamela Edwards (PROF JE EDW) - 7/25/13
Medio Pollito Half Chicken by Alma Flor Ada (SPA J398.2 ADA) - 2/7/13
Mouse and the Moon by Christina Butler (JE BUT) - 9/26/13
Mouse's First Fall by Lauren Thompson (JE THO) - 10/3/13
Move Over, Rover by Karen Beaumont (PROF JE BEA) - 10/24/13
Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candice Fleming (JE FLE) - 7/11/13
My Garden by Kevin Henkes (PROF JE HEN) - 5/16/13
Nine Ducks Nine by Sarah Hayes (PROF JE HAY) - 3/7/13
The Noise Lullaby by Jacqueline Ogburn (JE OGB) 1/24/13
On Top of Spaghetti by Paul Brett Johnson (PROF JE JOH) - 3/14/13 and 9/19/13
One Dog Canoe by Mary Casanova (JE CAS) - 6/6/13
One Magical Morning by Claire Freedman (PROF JE FRE) - 6/27/13
One World One Day by Barbaa Kerley (JE KER)
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell (PROF JE WAD) - 10/31/13
Pajama Pirates by Andrew Kramer (JE KRA) - 8/29/13
Papa Can You Get the Moon for Me? by Eric Carle (PROF JE CAR) - 9/26/13
Peanut by Linas Alsenas (JE ALS) - 11/7/13
Perfect Home for a Family by David Harrison (JE HAR) 10/31/13
Pete's a Pizza by William Steig (JE STE) -1/3/13
Pirates vs. Cowboys by Aaron Reynolds (JE REY) - 8/29/13
Pizza at Sally's by Monica Wellington (JE WEL) - 1/3/13
Playground Day by Jennifer Merz (JE MER) -1/17/13
Poppleton - The Pill by Cynthia Rylant (ER RYL) - 10/10/13
Pouch! by David Stein (JE STE) - 7/25/13
The Pout Pout Fish in the Big Big Dark by Deborah Diesen (JE DIE) - 6/13/13
The Princess and the Pizza by Mary Jane and Herm Auch (JE AUC) - 1/3/13
Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter Yarrow (PROF JE YAR) - 9/12/13 and 11/14/13
Puffin Peter by Petr Horacek (PROF JE HOR) - 8/22/13
Quick as a Cricket by Aurdey Wood (PROF JE WOO) – 1/17/13
Quiet Bunny's Many Colors by Lisa McCue (PROF JE MCC)
Quiet Night by Marilyn Singer (PROF JE SIN) - 9/26/13
Raccoon Tune by Nancy Shaw (PROF JE SHA)- 9/26/13
Raf by Anke de Vries (JE VRI)
Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza (JE KAS) - 9/5/13
Red Cat, White Cat by Peter Mandel (JE MAN) - 3/21/13
Rise and Shine by Nancy Carlstrom (PROF JE CAR) - 6/27/13
Rub a Dub Sub by Linda Ashman (PROF JE ASH) - 4/11/13
Saxophone Sam and His Snazzy Jazz Band by Christine Schneider (JE SCH) - 9/19/13
Sea Sand and Me by Patricia Hubbell (JE HUB) - 6/13/13 and 7/18/13
The Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort (PROF JE HOR) - 3/14/13 and 9/12/13
Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young (PROF JE YOU) - 11/7/13
Smooch Your Pooch by Teddy Slater (PROF JE SLA) - 2/14/13 and 10/24/13
Snow by Manya Stojic (JE STO) - 1/10/13
A Splendid Friend Indeed by Suzanne Bloom (JE BLO) - 2/28/13
Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball by Vicki Churchill (JE CHU) - 7/25/13
Sophie's Squash by Pat Miller (JE MIL) - 10/3/13
Squeak, Rumble, Whomp, Whomp, Whomp by Wynton Marsalis (JE MAR) – 1/24/13 and 9/19/13
Sunflower House by Eve Bunting (JE BUN)
Ten in the Meadow by John Butler (PROF JE BUT) - 6/27/13
Ten Little Catepillars by Bill Martin (JE MAR) - 4/18/13
Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth (PROF JE GER) - 3/7/13
Thank You World by Alice B McGinty (JE MCG) - 4/18/13
There Was an Old Pirate Who Swallowed a Fish by Jennifer Ward (JE WAR) - 8/29/13
This Little Chick by John Lawrence (PROF JE LAW) - 8/8/13
This Is the Farmer by Nancy Tafuri (PROF JE TAF) - 8/8/13
Together by Jane Simmons (JE SIM) - 2/28/13
Tom's Tweet by Jill Esbaum (JE ESB) - 1/31/13
The Tortilla Factory by Gary Paulsen (JE PAU) - 1/31/13
Tough Boris by Mem Fox (JE FOX) - 8/29/13
A Trip to the Firehouse by Josie Keogh (J363.37 KEO) - 1/31/13
Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey (JE PIL) - 11/21/13
Turk and Runt by Lisa Wheeler (JE WHE) - 11/21/13
Turkey Tot by George Shannon (JE SHA) - 11/21/13
Turtle Splash by Cathryn Falwell (PROF JE FAL) - 6/6/13
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Kate Toms - 9/26/13
Twist with a Burger, Jitter with a Bug by Linda lowery (JE LOW) - 8/15/13
Two Tiny Mice by Alan Baker (PROF JE BAK) - 6/27/13
The Ugly Pumpkin by Dave Horowitz (JE HOR)
The Very Hungry Catepillar by Eric Carle (JE CAR) - 4/18/13 and 7/11/13
Waking Dragons by Jane Yolen (PROF JE YOL) - 11/14/13
Way Up High in a Tall Green Tree by Jan Peck - 4/18/13 and 6/27/13
We’re All Special by Arlene Maguire (JE MAG) - 1/17/13
We're Going on a Picnic by Pat Hutchins (PROF JE HUT) - 9/5/13
What a Wonderful World by George David Weiss (JE WEI) - 4/18/13 and 9/12/13
When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore (JE MOO) - 11/14/13
Where Did Bunny Go? by Nancy Tafuri (PROF JE TAF) - 1/10/13
Where Does Joe Go? by Tracey Pearson (JE PEA) - 4/4/13
Where's that Bus by Eileen Brown (JE BRO) - 9/5/13
While the World is Sleeping by Pamela Edwards (JE EDW) - Sutherlin - 9/26/13
White Snow, Blue Feather by Julie Downing (PROF JE DOW) - 1/10/13
Who Put the Cookies in the Cookie Jar by George Shannon (JE SHA) - 5/23/13 and 12/5/13
Who Took the Farmer’s Hat by Joan L. Nodset (PROF JE NOD) - 3/28/13 and 8/8/13
The Wild Little Horse by Rite Gray (PROF JE GRA) - 8/8/13
The Wolf's Chicken Stew by Keiko Kasza (JE KAS) - 2/7/13 and 5/23/13
Wombat Walkabout by Carol Shields (JE SHI) - 7/25/13
Zoozical by Judy Sierra (JE SIE) - 5/9/13

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