Saturday, March 26, 2016


Opening Song

Quiet Bunny by Lisa McCue (JE MCC)
Quiet Bunny's Many Colors by Lisa McCue (PROF JE MCC)
Peek-a-Boo Bunny by Holly Surplice (JE SUR)
Bunnies! by Kevan Atteberry (JE ATT)
10 Hungry Rabbits: Counting and Color Concepts for the Very Young by Anita Lobel (JE LOB)
Happy Birthday, Bunny! by Elizabeth Garton Scanlon (JE SCA)

Flannel Board
Let's Make Rabbits by Leo Lionni
Five Little Easter Eggs

Disney Silly Songs #14. Little Bunny Foo Foo by Disney (PROF CD J782.42 DIS)
Miss Carole's Dancing Feet #14. The Shaker Hop by Carole Peterson (PROF CD J782.42 PET) w/Egg Shakers

Basket with eggs and bunny!

All Things Green

If You Want To Hear a Story Clap Your Hands

Way Up High in a Tall Green Tree by Jan Peck (PROF JE PEC)
St. Patrick's Day by Mari Schuh (J394.262 SCH)
Little Blue and Little Yellow; A Story for Pippo and Ann and Other Children by Leo Lionni (JE LIO)
Little Green by Ken Baker (JE BAK)
Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox (JE FOX)

Annie-Louise Sings "You're Wonderful" #2 Little Green Frog by Anne-Louise Sings (PROF CD J784.6 STE)
Sesame Street Platinum All-Time Favorites #13 Bein' Green (PROF CD J 784.6 PLA) with Scarves

Book Prop
Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley

Tissue Paper Flower

Kids at Play

The More We Get Together

Ten Rules of Being A Superhero by Deb Pilutti (PROF JE PIL)
Quick As A Cricket by Audrey Wood (PROF JE WOO)
The Boys Team by Amy Schwartz (JE SCH)
Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (PROF JE CHO)
Green As A Bean by Karla Kuskin (JE KUS)
Kid Tea by Elizabeth Ficocelli (PROF JE FIC)
Silly Sally by Audrey Wood (PROF JE WOO)
I Can Be Anything by Jerry Spinelli (JE SPI)
I Am A Tryannosaurus by Anna Grossnickle Hines (JE HIN)

Sing Along with Bob #1- #11 Skip To My Lou by Bob McGrath (REF CD J782.42 MCG)
Car Songs #4 It's a Small World by Dennis Buck (PROF CD J782.42 BUC)

Coloring sheet of kids playing with stickers


Learn to say Good Morning in other languages including: Portuguese, Russian, French, and  German

Si You Tuviera un Dragon (If I had a Dragon) by Tom Ellery (SPA JE ELL)-both in English & Spanish
Como Comen Los Dinosaurios (How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food) by Jane Yolen (SPA JE YOL)
La Oruga Muy Hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) by Eric Carle (PROF SPA JE CAR)

Number Awareness
Counting Dragons

More Singable Songs #13 Shake My Sillies Out" by Raffi (PROF CD J782.42 RAF)



Opening Song
If You Want To Hear a Story Clap Your Hands

On Top of Spaghetti by Paul Johnson (PROF JE JOH)
This Is The Way We Eat Our Lunch: A Book About Children Around The World by Edith Baer (JE BAE)
Pizza at Sally's by Monica Wellington (JE WEL)
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen (JE YOL)
The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson (JE WIL)

If You're Happy & You Know It Sing Along with Bob #1- #5 On Top of Spaghetti by Bob McGrath (REF CD J782.42 MCG)

Down in the Backpack #6. Macaroni & Cheese by Bill Harley (PROF CD J784.6 HAR)
