Thursday, August 30, 2012


The Best Picnic Ever by Clare Jarrett (JE JAR)
We’re Going on a Picnic by Path Hutchins (PROF JE HUT)
Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza (JE KAS)

Book Props
Sam’s Sandwich

The Letter ‘P’

Pig’s Picnic

The Elephant Show by Sharon, Lois, and Bram ‘On a Picnic We Will Go’ (CD J782.42 SHA)
Raffi ‘Peanut Butter Sandwich’ (PROF CD J782.42 RAF)

decorate a picnic scene

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Opening Song
The More We Get Together

In My Yellow Shirt by Eilen Spinelli (PROF JE SPI)
A Fox Got My Socks by Hilda Offen (JE OFF)
Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear by Nancy White Carlstrom ( JE CAR)
Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (PROF JE IRV)

Teddy Wore His Red Shirt


Thursday, August 16, 2012


Opening Rhyme
The More We Get Together

Flip, Flop, Fly! by Phyllis Root (PROF JE ROO)
Love Song for a Baby by Marion Dane Bauer (PROF JE BAU)
For Baby (For Bobbie) by John Denver (PROF J782.42 DEN) -book/music
Te Amo, Bebe Little One by Lisa Wheeler (PROF JE WHE)

Baby Beluga by Raffi (CD J784.6 RAF)
If You’re Happy and You Know It

'B' Letter Game

Kangaroo Baby

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Opening Rhyme
I wiggle my fingers…and I’ll sit quiet as can be.

Counting Crocodiles by Judy Sierra (JE SIE)
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina (JE SLO)
Two Little Monkeys by Mem Fox (JE FOX)

This Old Man
This old man, he played one,
He played knick-knack on my thumb;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played two,
He played knick-knack on my shoe;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played three,
He played knick-knack on my knee;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played four,
He played knick-knack on my door;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played five,
He played knick-knack on his side;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played six,
He played knick-knack on my sticks;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played seven,
He played knick-knack up in Heaven;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played eight,
He played knick-knack on my gate;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played nine,
He played knick-knack on my spine;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

This old man, he played ten,
He played knick-knack once again;
Knick-knack paddywhack,
Give a dog a bone,
This old man came rolling home.

Action rhyme – Here we go up, up up
Here we go up, up up, Here we go down, down, down.
Here we go backwards and forwards, here we go round and round.

Paper Caps

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Opening Song
If You Want to Hear a Story, Clap Your Hands

If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff
Can You Make a Piggy Giggle? by Linda Ashman
Cock a Moo Moo by Juliet Dallas-Conte

Big Book
If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff

Songs/ Rhymes
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Old MacDaonlad had a farm E-I-E-I-O
and on his farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O
with a moo moo here and a moo moo there
here a moo there a moo
eveywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
pig...oink, dog....ruff

Two Mother Pigs
Two mother pigs live in a pen
each had four babies and that made ten
these four babies were black as night
these four babies were black and white
but all eight babies loved to play
and they rolled and tolled in the mud all day
at night with their mother they curled up in a heap
and squealed and squealed till they went to sleep

Pig puppets